Putin said – Russia is ready for nuclear war
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Putin said – Russia is ready for nuclear war

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday warned America of a nuclear attack. Putin said- If America sends its troops to Ukraine, then the war may increase further. Actually, Russian news agency RIA asked Putin the question whether Russia is ready for nuclear war.

On this the Russian President said- We are not moving towards nuclear war at the moment. We haven’t felt the need for it yet. But if it is asked on military or technical grounds then we are ready for it. The US understands that if it sent American troops into Russia or Ukraine, Russia would consider this move as interference.

Putin said – If Russia is attacked, we will use nuclear weapons

In the interview, Putin further said – We have nuclear weapons only to use them. However, Russia has its own principles regarding their use. If Russia is attacked with nuclear or other weapons that can cause devastation, then Russia can use nuclear weapons.

Putin said- If Russia’s existence is in danger, we will definitely protect ourselves. We are ready to negotiate with Ukraine in all seriousness, but this must be based on today’s reality.

Talking on nuclear weapons, the Russian President said – If America conducts nuclear tests, it is possible that we will also do the same. However, there are many experts in the field of strategic restraint in the US regarding Russian-American relations. That’s why I don’t think the matter will reach nuclear war.

America-Russia have 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons

Let us tell you that Russia and America are the 2 most powerful nuclear countries. They possess 90% of the nuclear weapons present in the world. Earlier, CNN had claimed in its report that there was going to be a nuclear war between Russia and Ukraine in 2022. Russian President Vladimir Putin had planned a nuclear attack on Ukraine. Later the nuclear war stopped because of PM Modi.

CNN quoted 2 American officials as saying that at that time the American administration had become very upset with Putin’s attitude. Then Biden had sought cooperation from many countries including India. The official said that India, China and other countries had contacted Russia and put pressure.

Modi had told Putin – This is not the era of war

India has always condemned the killing of civilians regarding the Russia-Ukraine war and talked about ending the conflict peacefully. PM Modi had told President Putin on the occasion of SCO Summit in Uzbekistan in the year 2022 that this is not the era of war. This statement was also made at the G20 conference chaired by India.

Last year, Swedish think tank SIPRI had stated in its report that transparency in providing information about nuclear weapons has decreased since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war. UNSC member countries had promised to reduce nuclear weapons in 2021. He said – Nuclear war can never be won. These weapons should never be used. Whereas at present America and Russia have kept their 2000 nuclear weapons on high alert.

Russia and America had signed the

New Start Treaty to stop the nuclear arms race. Last year, it was canceled by Russia on the completion of one year of Ukraine war. The New START Treaty was the only nuclear agreement left between the US and Russia.

Under this, both the countries used to exchange information about their nuclear weapons testing with each other. Russia had alleged that America was misusing information about Russia’s nuclear weapons.

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