Biden will win if Trump becomes the candidate: Nikki Haley said – I want to make America normal, not great; Contest again with former President on 23rd Februar
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Biden will win if Trump becomes the candidate: Nikki Haley said – I want to make America normal, not great; Contest again with former President on 23rd Februar

Indian-origin Nikki Haley, who is trying to become the presidential candidate from the Republican Party, has again raised question marks on the election promises of former President Donald Trump. Nikki said- Trump is talking about making America great again, we need to make America normal, not great. If Trump becomes our candidate again, Biden will easily win the 2024 elections.

Both Republican and Democrat parties are selecting presidential candidates through primary and caucus elections. It is believed that the candidates of both the parties will be decided between March and June. Nikki and Trump will face off again in the South Carolina primary on February 23.

confident of victory

  • Nikki may be behind Trump in the Republican race, but she is confident of comeback and victory. In a statement issued to supporters before the primary elections to be held in South Carolina on February 23, this former governor of South Carolina said – the picture is absolutely clear. If Trump becomes the presidential candidate from our party, then Joe Biden will easily win the election again.
  • Nikki, who was the US Ambassador to the UN, further said – Democrats know very well that winning their elections is possible only when Biden faces competition from Trump. Some people are not able to understand this. Even though I have lost two primaries, I will make a comeback and will also win.

America needs to be normalized

  • Nikki gave a new slogan. Said- Make America normal again. He said- My campaign is getting a lot of support. Both Biden and Trump are close to 80 years old. I want that this time a young candidate should get a chance. Therefore supporters should be fully prepared. South Carolina is my home state. I know Trump will not win here.
  • 51-year-old Nikki, who has commanded South Carolina twice, is 30 points behind Trump in the survey. However, her campaign team is claiming that as soon as the primary elections are held, Nikki will make a comeback. Nikki said- Now American citizens do not want to choose between Trump or Biden. They want a young and fresh face to become the leader of this great country. Trump only thinks about his own interests. Biden has no agenda.

War of words between Trump and Nikki

  • Last month, Trump held a rally in New Hampshire. During this time, he got confused between Nikki and former speaker of the US Parliament Nancy Pelosi. Mistaking Pelosi for Nikki Haley, he accused her of not properly handling the violence that took place in the US Parliament on January 6, 2021. During this period, he took Haley’s name instead of Pelosi several times.
  • On this, Nikki had said – I do not want to say anything derogatory, but amidst the responsibilities of the presidency and its pressure, we cannot take risks regarding the mental condition of such a person. While there is chaos in America at the moment, rapid changes are taking place all over the world. In such a situation, we need to think whether America again needs two presidential candidates who are 80 years old. We need active people.
  • Trump also made fun of Nikki’s name. He constantly addressed Nikki as Nimbra and Nimrada on his social media account. He was criticized a lot for this. Actually, Nikki Haley’s full name is Namrata Nikki Randhawa.
  • However, for years she has been known by the name Nikki. After marriage, she changed her surname to Haley. On the joke related to her name, Nikki said- I know Trump very well. This is what they do when they are scared of someone. I will not feel bad about this.
  • Haley has earlier also raised questions about the mental health of leaders. According to Nikki, mental ability test (mental competency test in technical language) should be mandatory for any leader above 75 years of age holding any senior post in the government.

Nikki is close to Hillary Clinton

  • Nikki is considered close to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It was Hillary who brought him into politics. Before coming into politics, Nikki had earned name in the corporate world. She joined the board of directors of the Orangeburg County Chamber of Commerce in 1998 after running family companies.
  • Became President of the National Association of Women in Business Honor in 2004. Started getting involved in social work. This paved the way for entering politics.
  • In 2004, Nikki was elected as the State Representative of South Carolina. He won the 2006 elections unopposed. In 2008, Nikki held this post for the third time.
  • Nikki became the Governor of South Carolina in 2010 and 2014. He also holds the record of becoming the youngest governor in America (37 years).
  • In 2017, President Donald Trump appointed him as the US Ambassador to the UN. Nikki resigned from the post in December 2018.
  • Nikki’s family is from Amritsar.
  • Nikki, who has been Ambassador to the UN and Governor of South Carolina, was born in America in 1972. Her real name is Namrata Nikki Randhawa. Father Ajit Singh Randhawa along with wife Raj Kaur had settled in America from Amritsar in the 1960s to pursue PhD. Nikki has two brothers Mitthi and Simi and a sister Simran.

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